An authentic yet lighthearted take on the world of medicines and healthcare in the UK

Episode 5.3 - Professor Alf Collins: No decision about me, without me


The Godfather of Shared Decision Making (SDM) has spoken, so listen up! (apologies for his microphone quality though)
Professor Alf Collins is currently NHS England’s Clinical Director for personalised care but he was a community consultant in pain management for many years and worked with the Health Foundation helping lead applied research and implementation programmes in person centred care. We go very deep on this one, and it is all very Radio 4, but we discuss the complexities of the person / clinician axis when it comes to SDM.
We also challenge each other to our TED talk ideas and STC comes up with another analogy between primary and secondary care.
As with all our guests we ask Alf to pick his ‘Desert Island Drug’, a career defining anthem and a book that has influenced his work and he is quite the maverick…..
Links to references / books mentioned:
MAKING SHARED DECISION-MAKING A REALITY: No decision about me, without me Angela Coulter + Alf Collins. The Kings Fund 2011
What have Nobel Prize winners ever done for us? Dr Tim Wilson. Health Service Journal 2020
MedStrong: Shed Your Meds for a Better, Healthier You- Dr Donna Bartlett
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